Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Balancing Life

I thought today would be a good day to talk about balancing all the demands of life. I was very excited to go to work today. The weather is beautiful, I woke up before the boys without an alarm clock, and had an open house to go to for a patient's business today. 

Then the puking-of-pancakes commenced in my kitchen. Our oldest son, Ben, has some kind of tummy bug. This means I am working from home today and will be missing my workout with Amy. I quickly tried to come up with another plan for getting my 8WW workout in. I thought I could attend her evening class but then realized that Wes has the next 8WW Orientation Session tonight and that my parents are in the class, so no babysitters. 

It gets tricky sometimes, especially as a mom, to fit in all the things we want to get done in a day and put our health goals as a top priority. It seems that most mothers I know will always put everyone else in their lives ahead of themselves and usually don't think twice about it.

Wes makes it a goal in each 8WW Orientation to say that these 8 weeks are all about you, and that you need to take care of your health in order to take care of everyone else. When I heard this, I thought, "Sure--that's easy for you to say. You aren't the one shopping for groceries, watching the kids while you workout, and fixing all the meals". 

I am now eating my own words. I've put the rest of house on "hold" through these 8 weeks and it has really made a difference. I am getting to the point where I feel healthier and want to do everything I can to be active with the boys and cook healthy all of the time. AND feeling thinner, clothes fitting better, and having an improved cardiovascular system is making me happier and more active at home, too.

So...it's Tuesday-Weigh Day and I don't have a scale that works so I can't report my updates. I am getting excited to get my bloodwork and BIA done again soon. I can't believe I am in week 7 already. Time flies when you're having fun not on Week One!

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