Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I'm Back! 2 Month Post-8WW Update

I am sure you've all been eagerly waiting by your computer for my next blog. Ha! Anyway, I thought I would share with you what it's like to "be on your own" after losing the structure of 8WW. 

I am following one of our Alumni Packages. It's actually a bare-minimum plan but it seems to be working for my busy summer months. I am getting my regular chiropractic check-ups and adjustments as needed. (You weren't doubting that I stopped chiropractic care, were you?) That wellness lifestyle is a given in our house. So far, I seem to be holding my adjustments pretty well since I finished the program.

I am also working with our personal trainer, Stacey, once a week. She keeps me working hard with the resistance training I need and the part I dread doing on my own. I've run a 5K and I try to run about 7-8 miles total during the week. I have signed up to run the IMT Des Moines Marathon as a relay, so my goal is to be able to run a 10K by October. Keeping up with the weights is the hardest part and I really rely on Stacey to help me out! 

Massages I've had since 8WW: 0. I am actually quite surprised that it's been that long since I've had a massage. I can't think of a single excuse since we now have TWO therapists on staff, but I will blame their schedule. They are so busy and it's hard to get in!  I've been trying to meditate and relax more each evening as well. 

Nutrition is going great--I am starting to sneak some "junky" food into my week so I need to kick that habit quick! 

SOOOO....I am down an additional 4lbs which brings my total to 20lbs altogether and 32lbs since last fall. It feels great! 

I am thinking about doing 8WW again in September. Anybody want to join me?!?! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Results are In!

I had my final measurements taken by Dr. Wes today. It's a little bit of an awkward experience to have your husband writing down all of your numbers. I have always kept it a secret how much I weighed (though he watched the scale as I gained weight while being pregnant. He pretended not to, but I saw him peeking!).

Here's my scientific results:
  • Lost 16 pounds
  • Lost 6% body fat
  • Lost 7 1/2" from my waist
  • Lost 5 inches from my hips
My blood work is not back yet, but I will let you know those numbers when I can.
More importantly, here are my personal highlights from the past 8 weeks in no particular order:
  • Went from jogging two blocks to 30 minutes+
  • MUCH improved cardio stamina
  • My chest shrunk (this is a good thing for me...check out previous bra blog for details)
  • I have cheekbones again and look at myself differently in the mirror
  • I know how to eat the correct portions, manage "free day", and balance my carbs to a healthy level
  • My legs look really strong, which I am learning to love
  • Fell asleep 6 of 8 times during my massages
  • My willpower for avoiding tempting foods and diet pop is much improved!
I could easily go on and on, but I will stop here for tonight. Thanks to everyone for your positive support through this. I am no where near "stopping" this lifestyle, and I look forward to losing more body fat along the way! 

Shameless plug: If you would like to find out more about 8WW and if it would be a fit for you, please join us June 21st at 7pm in our office. It's a free orientation session and I guarantee it will change your life! Please RSVP to (515) 978-6661. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Photos by Request

This picture was taken March 2011 right before my little guy turned one. I really don't like this picture but it was the closest before picture I could find. Maybe I will post my office pre-photo sometime, too. 

This second picture was taken last night. I know I am not technically finished with 8WW yet, but I've been getting harassed for photos. :) I am 7.5 weeks into my 8 weeks in this photo. I've lost over 16 pounds since the first picture with my boys. Yay!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Alotta Tabata!

Yesterday's Tabata workout with Amy is one of my favorites! After a quick warm up on the elliptical, I only had five exercises to do: Squats, Lunges, Sprints, Sit Ups, and Kettlebell Swings. I had to do each exercise for only a few seconds with a break in between each set. After doing all 5 exercises, I was done! (Only 40 minutes!) Amy assured me that this is pretty hard to do and I am feeling my muscles today for sure. The hardest part of those exercises was the sprinting on the elliptical. Ick! I was wheezing when I was done but knowing that I didn't have to do it very long helped a lot.

My massages are now over for 8WW. I know I will have more in the future but it was so nice to think that I got an hour massage every week (and I needed it!)  I've decided that I've been meditating more than I gave myself credit for. I used my soaking in the bathtub as my way to relax for the evening and forget about everything else for awhile. 

So today is a good day. Now if could only figure out a way to satisfy my almond paste craving...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Home Stretch

Well, I am in Week 8 already and this is becoming a very challenging week. I didn't think this week would be hard, but since I know the end is in sight and that I've already lost 16 pounds, keeping my brain focused is almost overwhelming. 

I keep thinking things like, "There can't be too much harm in eating extra fruit today" or "I think I better skip today's workout because I got a massage and don't want to have sore muscles". The voices in my head are taking over! 

Also, my Ultrameal Shakes are becoming less than appealing. I don't really think they taste bad, but when I am told that I MUST do something I tend to become a little stubborn and don't want to do it. 

However, given the voices in my head and the boring UltraMeal Shakes, I am doing well and looking forward to getting my end results next week. Setting a new goal of losing two more pounds this week is helping me stay in line with the whole program.

Also, check out this article about Nicole from Season 4 on NBC's Biggest Loser. Guess what? She does 8 Weeks to Wellness in Philadelphia when she needs some lifestyle changes too!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Balancing Life

I thought today would be a good day to talk about balancing all the demands of life. I was very excited to go to work today. The weather is beautiful, I woke up before the boys without an alarm clock, and had an open house to go to for a patient's business today. 

Then the puking-of-pancakes commenced in my kitchen. Our oldest son, Ben, has some kind of tummy bug. This means I am working from home today and will be missing my workout with Amy. I quickly tried to come up with another plan for getting my 8WW workout in. I thought I could attend her evening class but then realized that Wes has the next 8WW Orientation Session tonight and that my parents are in the class, so no babysitters. 

It gets tricky sometimes, especially as a mom, to fit in all the things we want to get done in a day and put our health goals as a top priority. It seems that most mothers I know will always put everyone else in their lives ahead of themselves and usually don't think twice about it.

Wes makes it a goal in each 8WW Orientation to say that these 8 weeks are all about you, and that you need to take care of your health in order to take care of everyone else. When I heard this, I thought, "Sure--that's easy for you to say. You aren't the one shopping for groceries, watching the kids while you workout, and fixing all the meals". 

I am now eating my own words. I've put the rest of house on "hold" through these 8 weeks and it has really made a difference. I am getting to the point where I feel healthier and want to do everything I can to be active with the boys and cook healthy all of the time. AND feeling thinner, clothes fitting better, and having an improved cardiovascular system is making me happier and more active at home, too.'s Tuesday-Weigh Day and I don't have a scale that works so I can't report my updates. I am getting excited to get my bloodwork and BIA done again soon. I can't believe I am in week 7 already. Time flies when you're having fun not on Week One!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

200 Pies and A Hissing Goose

Well, after posting that I didn't lose any weight this past week, I decided to weigh-in again on Friday. I was down another 3lbs like I thought I should be. SO...the new total is 14 pounds of fat GONE!

I've been working on an event in Des Moines called Penny's Pieathlon. We are raising money for local cancer organizations and national foundations, too. Today was the big triathlon and health expo. To make our event more exciting, we decided that a PIEathlon needed a fourth event--pie eating.

Our local grocery store, Hy-Vee, donated 20 gallons of ice cream and 200 pies. It was my job to cut, scoop, and serve all of them to the participants and spectators. We raised a lot of money this way, but the hardest part was not eating any of it. :)

I left the house at 5:30am and returned home to make my father-in-law a birthday cake. His request was a chocolate cake with white frosting. I made the cake from scratch, didn't even lick the beaters, and decided to purchase the frosting from Hy-Vee instead. It is my free day, but I decided that Subway sounded pretty good and not too terribly bad for me. Not that a 6-inch loaf of bread is ever healthy, but better than pie, cake, and ice cream.
SOOOO...I am pretty excited that I dug up some will power deep within the depths of my brain and even managed to run, jog, trot a couple of miles. Oh, and I got chased by a mother goose who hissed at me so much I had to turn around and run back up the hill I just ran down. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Progress and the Panchero's Man

Today was weigh-in day and yet again, no change on the scale. I think that my weekend and free day is throwing me off too much. My lowest weight days seem to be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday which tells me that I need to be a little better over the weekends. I am sticking to the nutrition part very well, but I tend to skip UltraMeals on my free day which I think is contributing to my plateau.

HOWEVER...I just about jumped over the counter at Panchero's to hug the guy that bobbed my burrito (yes, that is the real terminology for making a burrito at our favorite fast food restaurant). I paid with credit card and he asked to see ID. I showed him my driver's license which prompted him to say, "You look great. You are a lot thinner now." I didn't tell him that I was pregnant in my photo, but I was still pretty excited. 

I feel so much better, am already buying smaller clothes sizes, and can't wait to keep on shrinking my body fat numbers. I have a few weeks left and my goals remain the same. Short term: MEDITATE and record in my log book. Long term: Get my body fat percent to a healthy range for me. AND fit into my high school prom dress. (I will be sure to post pictures if that ever happens. :)

Restaurant Update: Applebee's
I had a lime-seasoned chicken breast with salsa and steamed veggies for lunch. Very good and 8WW approved.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Half Way Day!

It's Half Way Day! Well, it was yesterday but I didn't get a chance to blog. So far...12 pounds gone and I don't know how many inches. I feel good, my pants fit, and people are commenting on my cheekbones. (I think this pretty funny. Of all things that I am working on, cheekbones wasn't part of my goal list. My other set of cheeks was close to the top of my list though!)

I celebrated tonight with the Vaughn Special. Vaughn is an 8WW alumni and more importantly, my dad. He had AWESOME success with 8WW and managed to find a way to get a McDonald's dish of ice cream in to his meals frequently. So tonight I had my favorite Arby's salad and a dish of ice cream from McD's. 

Other Random Thoughts:
Are you someone that craves peanut M&M's? If so, I really like the dark chocolate edamame that comes in a square container from Trader Joe's. This is not 8WW approved, but I only ate 3.

I am up to running/jogging for 25 minutes and now starting to think about running a 5K sometime in the near future. That's quite an accomplishment for me--just thinking about it is hard work!

If Amy asks you if you would like a break from running cardio in the office neighborhood-think twice. I ended up doing 200yd sprints around the office building--12 times.  

I definitely was snoring and drooling during my massage tonight. It was SOOOO wonderful! 

Finally, I heard a good quote today:
" A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time- pills or stairs."  Joan Welsh

Monday, May 2, 2011

Noticeable Changes

This week has been my favorite week of 8WW because people are commenting on how different I look. Most people say that my cheekbones are back.  It's nice to hear that I am looking different already. I wasn't thinking that I would be seeing noticeable changes 4 weeks in to the program.

Most importantly, I feel different & better. My clothes fit better and I generally feel much healthier now that I am eating better and exercising. 
This past weekend I ate at Ruby Tuesdays. Here's what you can have there...

1) Petite Sirloin
2) Blackened Tilapia with Mango Salsa
3) Barbecue Chicken

The nice thing is that they have lots of side dishes and a salad bar that can fill you up. I hate roasted spaghetti squash and grilled green beans for my sides, but you could also do a salad bar trip with lots of veggies and balsamic vinegar dressing and still count it. There were a couple of other sides that would work, too. 

AND if you go during lunch, you can even sneak in ONE biscuit and still have it count! 

Tomorrow is weigh-in day and I am wondering if I am going to regret any of my free day choices. I certainly enjoyed them, but I hope I am down at least one more pound this week. I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Workout & Free Day for Me!

This week has been my favorite (and sorest!) week of working out with Amy. I am on Phase 3 and so I do varying activities for multiple muscles at once. My favorite new exercise is Kick-Boxing. I only did the punching part, but it was a GREAT way to release some tension!

Today is my free day and I am going to the Barnstormer's game tonight to cheer on some of our patients as they crush their opponents. We are going out to dinner before the game, so I am planning on have fajitas AND chips & salsa. And probably an adult drink at the game. (I can't go to a live sports event and drink water...) 

I've already got my jog in for the morning and I am up to 16 1/2 minutes of non-stop jogging. If I could run only downhill, I'd be set. I am very proud of myself for working really hard on my at-home workouts. I wouldn't have to go running--anything that is cardio counts, but I am super motivated right now to jog/run. And I like looking at how people have done their landscaping because I can get some good (or bad) ideas that way. 


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What to Eat

One of the things that has been beneficial to me in the recent days is meal planning "on the spot". I know that isn't what is suggested, but I've found that if I have a kitchen full of healthy choices, it's pretty easy to put a meal for myself together. (Feeding the men in this house is another story!)

My secret: I base my meal around whatever sounds best at the time. (As long as it is 8WW approved.) For example, we got some awesome strawberries this week so I started with those in mind knowing they would be a majority of my carb allotment for the meal. Then I picked the protein and finally made sure that the fat was in the meal somewhere. Putting fat into a meal isn't very hard for me!

So, for "strawberry" craving, my meal consisted of strawberries, grilled chicken, green beans, and a few peas. It was a satisfying meal that kept me full for quite awhile. 

I've also been craving something sweet for breakfast. I found some cinnamon raisin english muffins at Trader Joe's which have been great with a VERY little smear of butter. Throw in an egg or cheese stick and I'm set for the morning. I also like the Steelcut Oatmeal with Brown Sugar in the Trader Joe's freezer section. They claim there is brown sugar in it but I am not sure. It's very yummy though and I haven't been able to eat an entire serving yet. It's very filling.

Finding what sounds good at the time has been a good way for me to feel healthy and satisfied at the same time. It's also why I don't keep chocolate chip cookies in the house, too!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Nyberg Jump Test

This is not Wes. :)
Wes has done 8WW twice and has lost about 50 pounds and lots of inches off his waist. He did this while I was pregnant with a 10.5lb baby. He was constantly telling me how much weight he was losing. While I was always happy for him, it also made me cry knowing that I was getting bigger and bigger each week. 

This led us to my self-created "Jump Test". It's a simple test. All you have to do is jump once while wearing any pair of pants that is fully fastened without a belt. If you jump and they fall down, you aren't allowed to wear them anymore. (This was after I saw Wes wearing a size 38 pant with a 32 waist. Major fashion crisis at our house!)

I am happy to say that I failed my first jump test yesterday with a pair of post-baby pants. They fell off after I jumped (and wiggled just a little bit). They are history.

That brings me to my Tuesday-Weigh-Day. I was down another 4 pounds this morning making it 11 pounds total! That will keep me working hard this week!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Week 3 Blues

I've been told by quite a few 8WW alumni that it is normal to feel a little defeated in Week 3. The scale didn't show any weight loss this week and I am finding it harder each day to use motivation to turn down yummy food (like birthday cake--again). Tomorrow, Sunday, is my free day and I'm looking forward to some good food but I also know that two Easter meals will be very hard to eat just a little of the foods that aren't so healthy for me. I keep thinking that I feel thinner and that is my motivation for now.

I went jogging today and that felt good. This is the first time in my life that I am enjoying running. I was also losing motivation to actually leave the house to exercise as my muscles are just plain tired and achy. Today I ran 45 seconds longer than yesterday. We live in a very hilly neighborhood so it's pretty easy to increase/decrease my heart rate as needed. Wes also told me that I should stop and do push ups or sit ups when my heart rate gets low. I am already beeping by our neighbors and I don't want them to have another reason to stop and stare! 

I ditched my cardio canine companion yesterday and today. He seemed pretty comfy in his dog-sofa so I let him be. Wish me luck to find some inner-motivation during Easter Eating (or passing the casseroles on past me) tomorrow!

Friday, April 22, 2011

For Ladies Only...

Alright ladies--let's talk bras. Some women don't need to worry about the type of sports bra they wear while working out. I am not one of those women. I have literally told Amy, "I will NOT be jumping in the gym today without my Big Bertha on!" 

I am sure there are many good sports bras out on the market today, but the one I like is made by Enell. I bought it at the Women's Expo last fall from an Essential Bodywear representative. (Her voice mail tells you to have an "uplifting day"!) When the rep was telling me how to put it on, she used the words "scoop" and "vest" if that gives you any idea how awkward my Big Bertha is. I think it was around $75. Big Bertha is what I've named my bra--I don't think it would be wise marketing to advertise something called a Big Bertha for women.

That's about all for Friday. And gentlemen that I know are reading one for your girlfriend or wife TODAY. She will thank you!!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Awkward Workout

First thing--Happy Birthday to my awesome 8WW workout partner, Jennifer! Keep up the awesome work lady! 

I am writing today's blog just so I can remember this event for the rest of my life (or as long as this blog is around). I've mentioned that I traveled last weekend to Cedar Rapids and stayed in a hotel with a fitness center. I don't think I explained how awkward of an experience it was, though. 

So it's about 8:45 on a Saturday night in Iowa City. It seems funny that not too long ago we spent Saturday nights doing just the opposite of working out--going out on the town and eating cheap, greasy college pizza. Anyway, I got to the hotel fitness center and was about 8 minutes into my workout when 5 kids entered the room. They weren't speaking English so it's hard to know what they were saying, but I knew by the way they were staring at me in the mirror that I was their subject of attention. They were laughing and pointing at my shoes (which are quite bright) and at my red face. It was pretty awkward but I made it through the workout. 

Then I decided to get changed and sit in the hot tub for awhile. About 48 seconds into my relaxing soak, I was joined by approximately 200 middle school girls who were all super skinny and LOUD. It seems that they were trying to figure out which of the middle school boys in the pool should be their next boyfriends. I always find these conversations interesting given my previous life as a pre-adolescent teacher. I made it for 10 minutes in the hot tub before returning to my room.  

Since I try to post something that will be beneficial to other 8WW participants, I thought I would post what I bought for groceries today. Maybe something will sound good or trigger an idea for you!
Trader Joe's
  • 96% Lean Hamburger (only 5g of fat per quarter pounder)
  • Precooked Chicken Patties
  • Chicken Tenders (for our boys when we have a salad for dinner--they don't like lettuce yet but hopefully soon!) Also, these are not for 8WW.
  • Two large packages of cherry tomatoes--this is my "snack". I eat LOTS of tomatoes.
  • Teriyaki Beef Jerky
  • Low Fat String Cheese
  • 97% Fat Free Hot Dogs by Hebrew National (I can't remember the last time I bought hot dogs...)
  • MahiMahi
  • Frozen Steelcut Oatmeal
  • Cinamon Raisin English Muffins
I should also note that we do eat lots of organic fruit and vegetables, but we get them delivered each week from Prudent Produce in Ankeny.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are Hospitals Healthy?

I've been spending a lot of time in one of our local hospitals recently.  This has got me thinking about health care in America.

It seems interesting to me that the place whose primary goal is to return people to health is so backwards on healthy living. For example, if someone is on a restricted carbohydrate diet, they must order off a low carb menu. I know what you're thinking--gross. You are probably imagining meat and bland veggies--wrong. This menu includes pancakes with syrup and macaroni and cheese. Not very "low carb"!! And while I am talking about healthy hospitals, we even have one that has a McDONALD's in it!! 

Today is my massage day and I couldn't be more excited. Our Licensed Massage Therapist, Vanessa, is the perfect type of massage therapist for me. She is equal parts of relaxing and getting the tension out. Last week I am pretty sure that I fell asleep and started snoring. She said that I didn't snore, but she had a really big smile as she said it. Either way, I am looking forward to my massage tonight!

One last thought: Yesterday my goddaughter, who is 4, came into the office to get adjusted. She was watching me workout at 3:30. When her mom tried to call me later at 6:00, she said "Mom--you can't call Katie. She's doing her workout." Most of the time our workouts go really fast, but sometimes it seems like I am doing bicep curls on the Bosu Ball for hours like my goddaughter thought!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Traveling Tales

I've a had a very busy weekend since my last blog. I traveled to Cedar Rapids on Saturday for a two-day training for my Doula Certification that I working towards. (It was the most AMAZING workshop learning more about babies, birth, and working with families!) Here’s how being on 8 Weeks to Wellness and traveling worked for me. 

This was the first time that I ever booked a hotel based on whether it had a fitness center of not. I stayed at Country Inn and Suites in Coralville and really enjoyed my stay. I did my workout on Saturday night in the hotel using their elliptical machine and resistance bands. They had a very nice room with a TV and mirrors for working out. I used my “free day” on Sunday for breakfast. I enjoyed a breakfast burrito and fruit. And since I am being honest with myself—and you—I also had a few potatoes. It was nice to have a warm breakfast to start my day! 

I also went shopping Saturday night and had a good time trying on shirts. I was thrilled to try on one-size-smaller than normal shirts and that was great motivation for me to keep going.

Here are the hardest parts:
1)     Passing up snacks during class, although one lady brought dehydrated kale chips that were pretty amazing!
2)     Going out to lunch with the other class participants, asking to see the nutrition menu, and ordering soup and steamed veggies while they were eating pasta.
3) Walking past Whitey’s Ice Cream Shop and not getting anything. (Whitey’s is an eastern-Iowa favorite. This was a HUGE temptation.)
4)     MOTIVATION to stick with 8WW…I really wanted a soda in the car, something to munch on during class, and a good dinner Saturday night, which I did not have. It was so hard to find workout motivation, too.

It was well worth the time I spent researching hotels and the area before I left. It made it much easier to find things that worked for 8WW, but I still had to be ready for the unexpected! 

And since it’s Tuesday, I should give you my depressing weight report. I didn’t lose any more pounds this past week. I know why—We’ve had increased family stress and I didn’t meditate, my meals came at weird times of the days (& nights), and I was definitely out of my routine. My goal for this week to get back on track is to meditate more and try to cook more at home. I definitely think that will make a difference. Be sure to watch for my upcoming blog about hospitals!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Carb Counting College

If someone offered a degree in professional label reading, I would easily be the President of that college. For years I've watched the ingredient list to make sure that I didn't serve anything that Wes was allergic to. (He won't let me forget the ONE time I accidentally made Campbell's chicken noodle soup with egg noodles...). I also read labels to make sure that the items don't contain any High Fructose Corn Syrup, Hydrogenated Oils, Sodium Nitrites, or Artificial Sweeteners. 

As if that wasn't enough...

I now read the fats, carbohydrates, and proteins to make sure I am still within my 8WW limits. It has become a game to see how I can get a grain and fruit in the same meal but I usually give up quickly. I think one of the main courses in my Label Reading College would be the math course of carbohydrates. It's nice that you can subtract the fiber from the total carbs to lower your net carbs into a reasonable level, but keep in mind that you can only do that math if it is the right time of day for that carb, AND there needs to be at least 4 grams of fiber in your carb choice. 

If you suggest that I could use a calculator to do all of the math, you are incorrect. After my workouts with Amy this week, I can barely press the keys of the computer to type this, let alone push any calculator buttons repeatedly all. I've been reassured that my level of discomfort is good and that it means my body is burning fat. I sure hope so!

Carpet Cleaner and Chiropractic

Many people are surprised to find out that I don't use Wes as my primary chiropractor. I tried really hard to be a good patient, but it is my own fault that I'm not. I think I like to "critique" his adjustments too much, which is just plain ridiculous since I don't know much about the art of adjusting. 

Wes and I see the necessity of keeping our nervous systems healthy as the foundation of wellness living. I know that my successes in Week 1 were based on my healthy nervous system working at it's peak performance. To do this, we both go to Dr. Lance (or Dr. Yance as Ben calls him). 

I look forward to my visits with Dr. Lance for many reasons. First and foremost, I like knowing how my nervous system and spine are working or if I have interference for some reason. I believe the last time I was really out of alignment wasn't because I rolled out of bed the wrong way or got in to a car accident, but because I had used carpet cleaner that really irritated my nostrils and the rest of my body. The toxic smells really bothered me and that led to my need for an adjustment. Secondly, I am always inspired to live healthier when I am around Dr. Lance. I love that chiropractors like to educate their patients and not just "treat" the patient quickly and Dr. Lance does this so well.

I think the best part of chiropractic as part of the 8 Weeks to Wellness program is that participants are enabling their bodies to allow the healthy changes to occur. AND if they are suffering from some kind of pain or prior condition, Dr. Wes and Amy work very hard to adjust that area and make modifications in the gym. It's a win-win for you mentally & physically!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week 1 Weigh In

I apologize for not getting this posted yesterday. I spent last evening doing my other passion, which was being a Doula for a fantastic mom-to-be. 

Ok...Week 1 was officially done and I had my weigh in at the office yesterday. While I don't necessarily have a weight loss goal and my main goal is to lose body fat and inches, my weight is definitely an indicator of both right now. 

In Week 1, I lost SEVEN (7!) pounds and I am thrilled! I am now down to Will's pre-baby weight. I know this week won't be as dramatic since I am eating a more balanced diet, but I  am still hoping to lose 1-2 pounds a week for the remainder of the program.
Week 2 is going great so far. I enjoyed some strawberries for dinner, Kashi Go Lean for breakfast, and a quick bite of a banana at breakfast (along with other things). It's so nice to be able to eat the foods my family is eating as well. It was hard to cook and prepare dinners last week where my guys got to eat something, and I had to say no.  In addition to eating a better variety of foods, my workouts with Amy got tougher as well. I know they are getting more challenging when I can no longer sing along to the music in the gym. I'm secretly wondering if that's how she knows to push me harder, or if that's her way of getting me to stop singing out loud!

I ate a salad at Palmer's Deli yesterday and had them check their dressings. As far as the label goes, the No-Fat Italian also had carbs within the limit--just watch your toppings. No croutons, roll, or Nieman Marcus cookie either! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Two More Food Ideas

This is short post today. Two more food ideas that I found VERY yummy!

Marinated Chicken
I didn't measure anything exactly, but here's my best guess...

1/4c dijon mustard
4Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1 Tbsp Garlic (fresh, minced, whatever)
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice

1-2lbs chicken breasts

Put all items in a bag, mix together, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. 

Jason's Deli
While there are many options at Jason's Deli, I enjoyed the Southwestern Chicken Chili. VERY good! Too bad I had to skip the ice cream, though!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Ate an Ostrich! (Or Part of Him)

We are blessed to have so many friends and family in the Des Moines area.  This also means that any given weekend, we are attending birthday parties, family events, sporting events, or just hanging out at someone's house. 

We had three birthday parties this weekend alone, and it made for some interesting dinner choices. Here's where we went and what I ordered that was "8WW approved":

Ostrich burger (no bun) with a small spoonful of guacamole. 

This was pretty much the only option at Fuddruckers and it took me a very long time online to find their nutrition info.
**This was VERY tasty and super healthy (according the wonderful websites I found. It had 4.5 grams of fat and tasted just like a hamburger.) Fuddruckers also has a condiment bar where I passed up the vat of cheese I could literally pump onto my plate ,and opted for lettuce, salsa, tomatoes, and a few pickles. Did you know that one small hamburger at Fuddruckers has OVER 30 GRAMS OF FAT??!?! 

Roasted Chicken Salad with Light Italian--no bacon or cheese

**This was probably my favorite meal this weekend because of the dressing and because I ate with my goddaughter, Aubrey. It was a pretty large chopped salad with tomatoes & onions, and the dressing only has 1 gram of fat and 2 carbs. It is Marzetti's Light Italian and the only way to buy it is in bulk pouches from a food distributor. SO good though!

Old Chicago
I literally couldn't find any option from their nutrition menu online that could work with 8WW. I supposed I could have ordered a plain salad and brought my own dressing, but that sounded really boring. Did you know that some salads have OVER 1,000 CALORIES there?!?! And that two slices of deep dish pizza has OVER 80 GRAMS OF FAT?!?!  Some entrees had OVER 100 GRAMS OF FAT!!!!

So... we changed locations to 

Okoboji Sports Bar & Grill
Grilled Tilapia with steamed brocolli & a small side salad with Hidden Valley Light Ranch

This was a great dinner, too, for both the food and family. I felt full and healthy at the same time. I couldn't eat all of my fish because it was a little to salty for my taste, but a good meal. I liked that they printed the nutrition info in the menu so I was able to maximize my protein and fat that way.

(See the nutrition menu in our office)

Pancheros emailed me their nutrition information which they don't publish online or in their restaurants, but they really should. There are LOTS of healthy options with all of their fresh ingredients and great Mexican flavor.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Heart Beeps

Part of the requirements for participating in the 8WW program is using a heart rate monitor during workouts. I just got mine this morning and WOW! It really made a difference. 

I was walking/jogging with Barkley this week and thought I was getting a pretty good workout. I was wrong. Amy gave me my list of "target heart rates" for various parts of my workout so I know how hard I should be working. It turns out that I have to jog to get my heart rate up high enough to be burning fat.

What I most surprised was how much further I could run while doing an 8WW-style cardio workout. If I just set out jogging from my house, I would be keeled over & panting like a dog two blocks away. With this workout, I ran at least DOUBLE what I normally can and it felt great! The only down-side is that the monitor beeps loudly whenever it gets too high, which makes the neighbors laugh as I come beeping down the street. Oh well! I won't leave home without it again!

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Dream About the Butter Cow

I am a farmer's daughter and grew up going to the Iowa State Fair. (If you haven't attending this event before then you definitely should. It's on the Top 100 Things to Do Before You Die list from some national magazine.)  I love going to the fair to see the baby cows, watch a horse show, show the animals to my kids, and listen to live music. The "locals" love to watch all the people that attend the fair just for the food and to see the famous butter cow. If you are unaware of the food choices at the fair, just imagine anything fattening you could put on a stick--everything from a pork chop to a deep fat fried Twinkie on a stick!

Last night I dreamed that I was at the fair for the food. I consumed Jr. Donuts, chocolate chip cookies from the Varied Industries building, and Dip-n-Dots. This is a big change from my normal pork burger and watermelon meal. I guess this is what carb deprivation does to people--makes them hallucinate about their most fattening food cravings! 

Today has been tough. I am tired and my muscles are a little achy. BUT I am sticking with the program and can't wait to have some fruit next week! Then it should be much easier (and MUCH tastier!) than this week. 

Now, if I only had some funnel-cake-on-a-stick...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Favorite Food Finds for Week 1

Four days down on Week 1! Here a few things that have helped me survive the first week so far. 

Ultrameal Shakes: Use the Blender Ball that comes with your bag! Add a few ice cubes and dilute it down with 10 ounces of water instead of 8 and it's actually quite tasty!

As far as food goes, veggies are pretty low on my list of "likes" but I still enjoy them daily. I usually like them loaded with cheese, but that is definitely not 8WW approved! Here's what I found to make them a little more tolerable this week.

Balsamic Veggies
Sliced or chopped vegetables (I used zucchini, summer squash, snow peas, & green pepper)
1 Tbsp (or less) of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (a quick spin around the pan)
1/4 cup water
2 Tsp (or more) of a seasoning salt
1 Tbsp of balsamic vinegar
Cover and cook over medium low heat until vegetables are done.Drain the liquid and enjoy the vegetables!

Mexican Vegetables
Sliced or chopped vegetables (red pepper, green pepper, onions, zucchini, summer squash)
1 Tbsp of Southwestern Seasoning (We used Pampered Chef)
1 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 cup of salsa
Cover and cook over medium-low heat until vegetables are done. 

Green Beans: One way our family likes green beans is cooked down in vinegar. It gives them a little kick. Use fresh, frozen, or canned (if you must) green beans and cook them in about 1/4 of vinegar without a lid until they are done and the vinegar is gone.

Cheese Sticks: I am a VERY picky cheese stick eater. I like Kraft Cheese Sticks but they have 6 grams of fat in them. Today I found Trader Joe's Light Cheese sticks with only 2.5 grams of fat and the same amount of protein. AND I love them! (I've secretly hidden them in the frig where Ben & Wes won't find them!)

Fish: My favorite fish so far is the brand Henry & Lisa's Natural Seafood which I found in the Target frozen food section. (In the back by the healthy frozen food.) We tried the Wild S. American Mahimahi with a Caribbean Marinade. This was wonderful! It only has 1 gram of fat per serving (two servings per box) and lots of flavor.  I marinaded it for about an hour and then broiled it. So good! 

Tomatoes: I think I've eaten tomatoes at every single meal this week. (No joke!) I like the small cherry tomatoes the best and I picked up a big box of them at Trader Joe's today. Good for snacking on while I'm cooking dinner. 

Eggs: I've eaten them hardboiled, in the egg/sausage muffins from the manual, and scrambled without milk. If you chop up a hardboiled egg, add some mustard and a little pickle juice, it almost tastes like egg salad.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cadio Companion

Today's biggest challenge was motivating myself to do 20-30 minutes of cardio. I purposely got dressed in my workout clothes so I would be more likely to get the exercising done for the day. It was a beautiful Iowa day with a pretty strong breeze, so it made sense for me to take our dog for a walk/jog.

Our 110 pound labradoodle, Barkley, has three speeds--Fast, Faster, and Off. Today's cardio consisted of Barkley walking so fast that I was practically jogging followed by me jogging and Barkley taking off in a sprint. We had to look silly because we didn't have any sort of pace for awhile. Combine that with his two favorite sports of worm hunting and goose chasing, and we had quite a workout!

Barkley After Swimming in the Pond Last Fall

Barkley's OFF Speed

Today's Highlights
  • Accomplishing my workout!
  • Not having to cook dinner (Panchero's salad with lettuce, grilled chicken, a little cheese, and salsa=YUM!)
  • The Best--My ONE HOUR MASSAGE with Vanessa! I feel so relaxed! This is by far my favorite part of 8WW!
Today's Not as Great Highlights
  • I am craving fruit. Actually, craving is an understatement. Our organic delivery brought the best looking apples, pears, bananas, and raspberries this week. (I snuck the raspberries into the freezer for next week, though!)
  • I am getting pretty tired. I feel like I am losing energy but I've been told this will come back soon.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Teacher Jiggle

Did you ever have a teacher whose arms jiggled as they wrote on the chalkboard? That was one of my biggest fears when I was teaching! I taught 5th grade for the last 8 years and am now staying at home with our boys 5 days a week, and working at the office 2 days. (If you know of a good way to do three full time jobs in two office days, let me know!) 

I can safely say that after working my upper body so hard today with Amy that I should never have to worry about "teacher jiggle" again. It felt so good to be moving my muscles today (it's been a few months since I've worked out). One of my favorite parts about working out at Waukee Wellness is that I am not intimidated by the equipment at all. When I've worked out at the Y or Anytime Fitness, I am always too embarrassed to try the machines because I don't want to look like an idiot. Now that I know how the machines work, I will have more confidence in working out on my "off" days.

I am only a little bit sore tonight. Nothing a cup of hot tea and a hot shower can't fix! 

Lastly, my favorite food of today was my hard-boiled eggs. They are somewhat tasty, especially with mustard, but I loved that we dyed them first for our Easter Eggs. Just adding a little fun to an otherwise "boring" food! (Make sure you remember to buy WHITE eggs and not the organic brown ones like we did the first time!)

Monday, April 4, 2011

First Day Thoughts

The first day of 8 Weeks to Wellness was pretty good! I think the best part was my lunch. I haven't had fish in a really long time due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, so it was a great way to start the program. (Ask me 8 weeks if I still like fish. Ha!) For lunch, I combined a packet of white albacore tuna with chopped tomato and DILL pickle relish. Don't use sweet pickle relish as it is sweetened with sugar! I had some green beans and a cheese stick on the side (which I had to share with Will).
My Happy Breakfast

I made sausage egg muffins from the manual and they were really quite good. I left out the veggies and cheese but ate a tomato on the side.  I am so glad I like tomatoes!  Don't use the paper liners as it suggests. I think I lost half of the muffin to the wrapper and that is saddening. I also think I used a lot less meat than I was supposed to. I made 12 muffins instead of 6 large ones so I ate two. In the eyes of Ben (who's 4), I actually ate more since there were two. What ever works! 

As far as the Ultrameal Shakes go...the verdict is still out. The 2nd one was much better than the first, but I definitely have some tweaking to do. I am drinking the chocolate whey kind. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

What am I doing?!?!

Hello! I am Katie, Dr. Wes' wife, office manager, Doula-in-training, mother to two boys and dog-walker for Barkley. Welcome to my 8 Weeks to Wellness blog. (If you are unsure what 8WW is, check out or You'll love it!)

As I sit here reflecting on my decision to participate in our next 8 Weeks to Wellness session, I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am excited to be one of the successful statistics from our office but nervous about using more of my very limited energy. (Mother of two very active boys, one busy husband, and a 110lb dog.) My excuses so far have been "I will lose my baby weight when I am done having kids (which is now), when I am done breastfeeding (which is now), when the baby sleeps through the night (will never happen), when it's nice outside and I can workout at the park, etc. No more excuses!!! 

Why am I blogging about my 8WW experience? While I hope other participants gain some confidence, recipe ideas, or even some support by reading it, it is all about me. (That's what Dr. Wes said in the orientation, right?) My wellness score is a C and my percent body fat is way too high. Having been a teacher for 8 years, I am not happy with that letter grade. I am hoping that this will keep me honest about working out and eating right, and that it will serve as a record of my accomplishments. Here are my goals:
  • Wear size 10 pants again (high school days for me!)
  • Get my body fat to a healthy percent (lose 8%)
  • Eliminate all soda from my diet (this isn't a big change, but I do enjoy one every now and then!)
  • Drink half my body weight in water each day, take my supplements regularly, and devote time each day to meditating. Wes and I have a really hard time meditating daily, but know it is SO important.

I've had my blood work done and I'm now onto meal planning. This part should be easy because Wes has been through 8WW twice and we generally eat healthy anyway. The part that I "cheat" on is snacking while I'm cooking or finishing food from the kids' plates. I know I consume a lot of calories that way--it will be a big change for me!! My start date is set to be Monday, April 4, 2011.

If you are just starting 8WW and reading this, congratulations. You've taken the first step and I am so proud of you. If you are considering 8WW, just do it. Find a way to improve your quality of life NOW. It will save you money in the long run and your quality of life will be awesome.  And remember, we're all here for you!!